Saba Tesito North America
Tesito is a Mandinka word that literally translate to self help. It is the encompassing monicker for communal efforts geared towards the common good.
To this end, Saba Tesito North America is threading on a well worn path to community development through education. Saba Tesito North America is an association formed by natives of Saba village in the diaspora to help bring about meaningful and sustainable development in our native Saba.
At Saba tesito kaafo we’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing today’s society. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others through our education initiatives. Education, we believe is the great equalizer. It lifts families and communities from poverty into prosperous and healthy communities. Thus our focus is primarily focused on education and attendant initiatives.
Saba tesito kaafo is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Non-Profit Organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We make sure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities through investment in education